Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cheese presentation for kids

This December every Saturday in Espai Ermengol there are some workshops for kids. And we were very glad to visit the first 06.12.14. It was presentation of Cadi products with interesting workshop for children.
Together with them we found out more about technologies of Cadi factory, which is located in La Seu. Everyone enjoyed to see how this young talents use their creativity to make art from butter and sweets. Young digustators left the event very excited and got tasty presents.

Photography.mARTina malesev

Thursday, December 4, 2014

EVS Training in Girona

24.11.14 -29.11.14 it was a arrival training in Girona. 

We spent this time with 30 another particapants from different part of world who are volunteers in Spain, as we are.
Every day we participated in different trainings, workshops, seminars, learned more about EVS, found out what means to be volunteer. 
This training gave us a great opportunity to understand more about ourselves, our lives and  find people, who think in the same way as we.
Also we discovered a lot about Spanish culture and history, enjoyed beautiful arhitecture and amazing landscapes, felt kindness of citizens. 
This experience gave us a lot of positive energy to continue our volunteering projects. 

Trip to Andorra

Everything started with hitchhicking!

Amazing landscapes!

Sitting with famous sculputre in Andorra!

One day we decided to go Andorra, we made a sign, went to road and took a risk!

The first stop was in Sant Julia, near Naturlandia. We looked around and were impressed by beautiful landscapes.

We saw a local life!

 Than we went to the capital, Andorra la Vella. We saw famous touristic places and enjoyed shopping. 

We spent all day  there, bought a few things, enjoyed the sun, walking in the woods, took amazing photos, met a lot of  nice people.

Monday, December 1, 2014

'La Unió Europea en perill'- Aleix Sarri

En: We were invited to the presentation of the new book of a young citizen from Catalonia, Aleix who is already an important part in the world of politics. During the many promotions and debates, he honoured the citizens of Seu d Urgell with his arrival in a company with Albert Batalla.

Ca:Ens van convidar a la presentació del nou llibre del jove català Àleix , que ja és part important en el món de la política. Durant les altres presentacions i debats que va honrar als ciutadans de la Seu d'Urgell amb la seva arribada en companyia de l'alcalde, d'Albert Batalla.

En: In this work, Aleix Sarri gives his views on the current crisis of confidence in the European Union within countries that are part and tries to give them answers. The work focuses especially on the financial crisis and the euro, which has resulted in the rescue of banks and cuts that have hit especially in social states such as Greece, Spain and Portugal.

Ca:En aquesta obra, Aleix Sarri dóna el seu punt de vista sobre l'actual crisi de confiança en la Unió Europea dins dels mateixos països que en formen part i mira de donar-hi respostes. L'obra incideix especialment en la crisi financera i de l'euro, que s'ha traduït en el rescat de bancs i en retallades que han colpejat especialment a nivell social estats com ara Grècia, Espanya i Portugal.

Sr: U ovom radu, Aleks Sarri daje svoje mišljenje o trenutnoj krizi poverenja u Evropskoj uniji unutar zemalja koje su deo EU i pokušava da im da odgovori na kljucna pitanja. Rad se fokusira posebno na finansijsku krizu i pitanje eura, što je rezultiralo u spasavanju banaka i smanjenju krize koja je pogodila posebno države kao što su Grčka, Španija i Portugalija.

Here are some of the impressions that we took with photos.

Aquí hi ha algunes de les impressions que hem pogut captar amb fotos que hem fet.

Martina Malesev

Photography.mARTina malesev

Friday, November 21, 2014

This is the beginning of our new life...

So,who are We?

Sometimes it is hard to introduce yourself because you know yourself so well that you do not know where to start with. Let me give a try to see what kind of image you have about us through our self-description. I hope that our impression about ourselves and your impression about us are not so different....

Our first video :)

I'm Csenge from Hungary. I love to travel,this is my life.New cultures,new languages,new people,new places.Every travel is a new experience.- „Travel is the only thing you buy,that makes you richer!"-I love to eat so much,to do sports(especially running and swimming),I like good books and romantic-comedy movies.I like to sleep early and to get up late:) I like to be surrounded by people,but sometimes to be alone.I like to talk(sometimes more than enough),to laugh out load,to cry...I like the flowers in spring,the smell of the rain in summer,leaves in autumn,and snow in winter...well the list goes on & on & on and on!!!

Martina is a girl from Serbia.She is a passion about travel too,and two more things:writing and photography.She graduated Serbian language-literature and worked like a journalist and published two books,but she wants to try to connect her with all three passions.This girl live to try a new things,flavors,food,see new cultures,meet different people,learn more things...Because she thinks that travel makes people grown more as a person,open views and give life knowledge.Also she wants to live healthier life and all things that she made and love to put in some new page of living.Martina hopes that this project will be her biggest journey to try to make better life,because life its a book that just You can write it!

Inna comes from a beautiful country-Ukraine,full of generous and kind people.She is active,open minded and creative.Inna just finished University,speciality graphic designer and come to La Seu to enjoy nature and culture,learn about local live,to contribute to the development of the city.She likes to travel,to meet a new people,to cummunicate,learn something new.The biggest her passion is draw,to bring as her art in life as she can.

Follow us and enjoy our new life! :)